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Gurupoornima Retreat 2024 - Discourse based on Vivekachudamani followed by Q/A
#nutanswamiji #enlightenedliving #vivekachudamani
In this session, Swamiji reiterates that the consciousness is beyond the cause-and-effect chain. The causality is not applicable in the Absolute level but the creation which is appearing on the Absolute or Consciousness has causality as a law. The consciousness is changeless and the witness of all the changes taking place.
The Consciousness is formless, although it is projecting the infinite forms of the universe. It is not limited, restricted by anything. It is full, Poorna, infinite, which encompasses everything. It is imperishable, undecaying. Although we call it unchanging, it is beyond the duality of ‘changing’ and ‘unchanging’. The Supreme Consciousness transcends the duality of ‘Sat’ and ‘Asat’. It is the source of eternal Sukha or bliss. The transcendental Consciousness is devoid of delusion and ignorance.
The Consciousness in one existence which is shining as different things and the differential manifestation or notion is based on delusion. It is free of name, form and qualities. It remains unchanging, like gold which is made into various ornaments. Although the ornaments have various designs, forms etc., it is all Gold alone.
The Consciousness is that which shines and manifests. It does not have anything different from itself; it is the transcendental presence where there is no duality. It can only be known as the Atma in us, the ‘I’ness in us. It is the sentient existence which is eternal, unchanging.
The Guru tells the Shishya: You are that Brahman. Introspect on it with this bhava in the mind.
Shlokas done: Vivekachudamani: 260, 261, 263
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
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