Many householders want to know how to pursue the spiritual path despite so many disturbances of the world.
In this talk, Ma Gurupriya ji says that a seeker must make a sincere effort to progress in the spiritual path. One must persevere with a focused mind and there should be a yearning to reach the Ultimate goal in life. One should introspect on how to progress in the spiritual path and analyze why the required progress is not happening.
Mind may think about God but it remains restless, worried and disturbed by the happenings of the world. Why is it so? Ma speaks about the Sadhana by which a seeker can make the mind unaffected, pure and expansive.
Ma continues to discuss Rishabha Charitam from Srimad Bhagavatam. Rishabha Deva, an enlightened king, knew that householders become attached to family, wealth, career etc and consequently suffer. He gave instructions to his sons how a householder should pursue the spiritual path (to be free of fear, delusion, grief) while remaining active in the world.
Discussing in detail one of the set of instructions by Rishabha Deva, Ma effortlessly connects it to the Bhagavad Gita and Vivekachudamani verses. Listening to Ma, one gets a clear picture of some of the spiritual qualities that are essential for a seeker of Truth which are:
a) Association and service of an enlightened Guru. b) Vairagya and forbearance towards all dualities. c)Sympathy for the suffering of others. d) Yearning to know about Paramatma/God. e) Austerity f) Elimination of the feeling of ‘I’ness. Offering all activities to the Lord.
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