In this global Satsang, Swamiji continues to discuss the mythological story of the Devas in the third chapter of the Upanishad. The story speaks about the ego that the Devas had developed after their victory against the Asuras. Knowing of their Abhimana, Brahman appeared before them to help remove their ego. Swamiji exhorts us to understand how ego poses as the greatest hurdle in the Spiritual path.
The story speaks about the conceit of the Devas who claimed that the victory was because of their own efforts. They completely failed to recognize the fact that it is the Consciousness which enlivens and activates everything in the Universe.
We also tend to have an ego for some of our own traits and qualities. We fail to introspect and think that the quality we possess may be an inheritance from our parents or grandparents or a gift of the Lord. We tend to forget that we are nothing unless supported by that power, the Consciousness.
In the story, Brahman appeared before the Devas. The devas asked Agni to find out who the Being is. When Agni came close, the Yaksha placed a blade of grass before him and asked him to burn it. Agni tried with all his might to burn the blade of grass but failed. He withdrew and confessed his inability to discover the identity of the stranger. The devas then asked Vayu. Vayu told the Yaksha he could sweep away anything. The Yaksha asked him to sweep away the blade of grass. In this task, Vayu failed. Now Indra was entrusted the task of finding out the identity of the strange appearance.
Mantras discussed in the Talk:
Kenopanishad—(3.1 to 3.11)
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