#globalsatsang #enlightenedliving #bhoomananda #bhagavadgita
Speaking about the highest spiritual state, Swamiji says that, initially, the seeker meditates and realizes the presence within the body. But that is only the beginning. The Sadhana has to be further pursued and whatever has been gained in meditation, should be reinforced in the interactional hours. Such a Sthita -Dhi, will remain unaffected by Sukha & Duhkha and will also transcends fear, hatred and attachments.
A seeker must ensure that interactions do not overpower him. He must repeatedly reflect that all interactions are designed and implemented by the mind. The outcomes of the interactions are also felt in the mind. There is no external factor in the whole process. So, the mind has to assimilate its own responses and reactions.
Swamiji explains the shloka where Bhagavad Gita says that a person is said to be wise, whose all activities are burnt in the fire of wisdom. He may perform huge activities but he will do it without any stress, affectedness or constrictions. His mind will be expansive.
All actions are done in the level of the body, mind and intelligence. But there is a higher dimension in every human being—the level of the ‘I’ which stands different from the body, mind, intelligence and ego. It is the sole Witness. No action proceeds from it and no impact falls on it. By this knowledge, all actions are burnt off. This purifying Knowledge removes all the stains of the mind and intelligence, making them pure and serene. By this knowledge, one is filled with abundance and fulfilment within.
Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 PM IST/ 10:30 AM EDT/ 10:30 PM MYT
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
Enrich Every Day with Bhagavad Gita
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The Path of Enquiry in Sadhana
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Be Faithful to Deeksha Sadhana
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Measure and Magnitude of the Mind
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Sadhana is a Pursuit for the Mind, not Reaching a Goal
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How to Introspect On a Verse
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