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Ma Gurupriya

149 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – Disciplines for attaining Liberation | Nimi-Navayogi Samvada 20

713 Views | 1 year ago

#globalsatsang #enlightenedliving #magurupriyaji

In the Nimi-Navayogi Samvada in Srimad Bhagavatam, the nine enlightened Yogis impart profound wisdom to King Nimi during a Brahma Satra. King Nimi, aware of the rarity of human life and the importance of the company of Mahatmas, sought guidance on attaining ultimate auspiciousness and liberation from mental and emotional constraints.

In this talk, Ma discusses the instructions of Yogi Prabuddha who outlines comprehensive disciplines which will lead one to purification and liberation. He emphasizes the crucial role of a knowledgeable Guru who imparts wisdom and peace. Key disciplines include detachment from worldly attachments, association with holy Mahatmas, development of virtues like humility, austerity, and non-hurtingness, and embracing equal-mindedness in the face of dualities.

The Yogi emphasizes the importance of unwavering faith in scriptures and Guru, diligent introspection, and continuous self-improvement. He advocates offering all actions to the Divine (understanding that everything is given by the Lord), and realizing the impermanence of material possessions. He suggests nurturing love for these disciplines through listening to sacred teachings, singing praises, meditation on the divine form, and offering all actions to the Supreme. He emphasizes the significance of associating with Mahatmas who inspire devotion and service to all living beings.

Ma urges all to seek the company of like-minded devotees, in whose association one can discuss what one has heard or read, one’s own feelings and also about the path of spirituality. In their company one is able to distance oneself from worldly idle conversations and revel in the thoughts of the Lord.

Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 PM IST/ 10:30 AM EDT/ 10:30 PM MYT

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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.

from the ashram diary


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