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In this episode, Swamiji continues to analyze the conversation between Krishna- Rukmini and inspiring words of Sri Krishna. One understands his elevated dimension when Krishna says that being full in the Self, he finds nothing in the world attractive-not women, not children, nor wealth. He is at the zenith of dispassion. Through this conversation, Swamiji highlights Sri Krishna’s inner abundance and affluence.
Quoting verses from the text, Swamiji discusses the situation of the Vraja women in Vrindavan who were pining for their Krishna.
Being concerned about their devotion and their welfare, Krishna sent them a message through Uddhava. In his message, he reminds them that he had to inevitably leave Vrindavan to fulfil His mission of killing Kamsa. He assures them that being away from Him and thinking incessantly of Him and being disconnected from the external world, they would discover Krishna in their own hearts. Their deep devotion would liberate them from worldly bondage and they would attain spiritual fulfillment.
Listening to Swamiji, one is left with a predominant thought: Install the Lord in the heart. Devotion to the Supreme will bring unbroken ecstasy and freedom.
Shlokas discussed: (10.60.20) (10.22.26) (10.47.35) (10.47.36) (10.47.37)
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About us:
Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
Intro video and Thumbnails created from free images and videos from www.pexels.com and www.pixabay.com
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