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#globalsatsang #enlightenedliving #magurupriyaji
In this satsang, Ma concludes the discourse series on Nimi-Navayogi samvada reminding us that no amount of listening and reading will be of any use until what we hear is understood, assimilated and lived.
Our life in this world revolves around the objects of possession and enjoyment such as family, wealth, fame etc. We pursue happiness from these objects, disregarding the fact that they are temporary and can get destroyed any moment. With our lifespan itself being uncertain, how much joy can these things bring about? So, with discretion, we must tread the path of 'nishreyasa', i.e pursue something which is permanent, eternal.
After realising that nothing in this world can give us permanent refuge, the mind naturally yearns for 'That' which transcends the world. The obsession with worldliness gives way to devotion for God. When we understand God and his glories, our mind becomes more and more interested in him. The bhakti slowly transcends the ordinary plane and starts feeling and finding God always - a spontaneous love for God, devoid of expectations. The devotee begins to feel the embrace of God. He thinks There is only ONE presence and that God is with me wherever I go ; and finds all his security in that refuge!
Ma says, the happiness which is tainted with desire and which is dependent on objects is impure and fleeting. Whereas, the happiness which is independent of objects and generated by feeling of oneness with God, is pure and eternal. God is present everywhere, always, inside and outside, animating and activating everything. The greatest attainment in human life is when a one-pointed bhakti for God graces our mind!
Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 PM IST/ 10:30 AM EDT/ 10:30 PM MYT
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
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