
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

193 – by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha – Taittiriya Upanishad – 10

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In this Satsang, Swamiji discusses Taittiriya Upanishad verses and explains the different Upaasanas that a seeker of Truth can undertake. The Upanishad speaks about the Vyaahritis which are the essence of the Vedas. All the three merge into the Omkara. By doing the Upaasana, the seeker becomes fit for the Ultimate Knowledge (he gets Jnana Yogyata).

Bhuh (earth), Bhuvah (Antariksha) and Suvah (world of luminaries) are the Vyaahritis. Mahah is the light of the Consciousness which pervades the other three. The seeker can contemplate on the Vyaahritis as powers of nature. Bhuh can be contemplated upon as Agni, Bhuvah as Vaayuh and Suvah as Aaditya (Sun). Mahah is to be thought of as Chandrama (moon) which is cooling and pervading the whole earth.

The Upanishad speaks about contemplation of Vyaahritis as Vedas, where Bhuh can be contemplated upon as Rg Veda, Bhuvah as Sama Veda and Suvah as Yajur Veda. Mahah is to be contemplated upon as Brahman. All the Vyaahritis with their various aspects have to be introspected upon as Brahman. Mahah is the essence of all Vedas, it is the expansion of the individual Consciousness into the Universal Consciousness.

A seeker can reflect on the Vyaahritis as life-breaths—Bhuh as Prana (Upward breath), Bhuvah as Apana (downward breath), Suvah as Vyaana (junction of upward and downward breath). Mahah is to be thought of as Annam (the objectude). All life forces are functioning on Annam alone. Mahah is the fundamental essence of everything.

The Upanishad then takes us from the gross objectivity to our own inside, where it speaks about contemplation of Brahman in the heart (Hridayaakaasha). The heart is the abode of the Purusha (the Consciousness). It is the same Purusha which pervades everything and is the substratum of the whole universe. The Purusha is expressing as the mind. By Sadhana, the mind must be made purified and expansive. When we go beyond all duality, we attain immortality.

Taittiriya Upanishad speaks about the path of awareness which merges in Brahman. It is a path from the top of the palate (taaluka) to the top of the skull (kapaala). If our focus will move along that, we will attain immortality. By contemplating on Brahman, which is the Ultimate Upaasana, one attains the kingdom of the Self, the Lord of the mind, the Lord of speech, sight, sound and intelligence. In that state, the mind becomes sky-like and in this state, there is peace, abundance and bliss.

Swamiji will be discussing 'Voice of Upanishads'. The Global Satsang will be based on Taittiriya Upanishad. | Live Satsangs with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 pm IST/10:30 am EDT/ 10:30 pm MST.

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