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Ma Gurupriya

194 – In Conversation with Ma I Ma Gurupriya (Concluding Session – USA Jnana Yajna 2024)

369 Views | 6 months ago

Concluding Session of 5-Day Bhagavad Gita Retreat, held during the USA Jnana Yajna 2024.
Location: Fairfield Inn & Suitesv Marriott Tustin Orange County, Newport Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
Date: 23 June 2024

#bhagavadgita #vedanta #california #magurupriyaji

In this concluding session of the Retreat, Ma gives some valuable spiritual guidance to the participants. She emphasizes that the spiritual practice must run parallelly with all activities and interactions.

The Sadhana of a seeker is to remain in constant touch with the inner Presence. But it is often forgotten by us and we get attracted to the short-lived pleasures of the world. Understanding that all sensory enjoyments are ephemeral and are the source of misery, we must seek the eternal delight of the Soul/God.

The pursuit of a Sadhaka must be to imbibe noble qualities of a Knower of Truth. Bhagavad Gita enumerates the qualities that can be cultivated by a sincere seeker. He must avoid pride, ostentation and practice non-hurting, tolerance, and straightforwardness. Having love and devotion for the Guru, a seeker must serve him. He must be given to physical and mental purity, have stability and self-discipline and self-restraint.

A seeker must be able to clearly see the trouble and torment associated with birth, death, old age and disease. He must understand that the world is ephemeral and will give only short-term happiness. He must safeguard himself from delusional clinging to family and wealth.

Ma concludes by urging the listeners to divinize every moment of the day. One must make every thought, speech, action and interaction divine, by constantly reminding oneself that everything belongs to the Supreme Lord. Finding time amidst a busy life, a seeker must let the mind constantly dip into the thoughts of the Self/Lord.

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About us:
Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.

from the ashram diary


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