
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

197 – by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha – Role of Vichara in Bhakti

946 Views | 1 month ago

2024 02 21 NS JSR

This talk was held during 21 February 2024, as part of Jamshedpur Sadhana Shibiram 2024.

In this enlightening talk, Swamiji speaks about the role of Vichara in Bhakti. Normally, a devotee conforms to various rituals and practices throughout life. After years of worship and adoration, a devotee never reflects whether he has come closer to God. He does not think whether his mind has become peaceful and unaffected because of his devotion.

Vichara is considered the greatest Sadhana in the path of knowledge. By Vichara alone, the intelligence realizes the ultimate reality. In the knowledge path, the sadhana is to purify and expand the mind and intelligence and attain a universal dimension. Scriptures emphasize that Bhakti is also purification of the mind to find oneness with God. So, in the ultimate level, there is no difference between Bhakti and Jnana. Without Bhakti, Jnana will not give full joy and fulfilment; without Jnana, Bhakti will not take us to the goal.

Bhagavad Gita speaks about Bhakta Lakshanas, qualities of a true devotee. A seeker must try to cultivate the qualities to attain a unified vision. The focus must shift from the external God to the qualities of the devotees. As the qualities and concepts are deeply understood, the love for God (who is the source of all qualities) deepens. If one is fortunate to have a Sadguru who embodies divine qualities, then the focus shifts from the external God to the Sadguru. Surrender to the Guru is the ultimate characteristic of Bhakti.

Although Srimad Bhagavatam is considered to be a devotional text, in the concluding part it is said that Bhagavatam speaks about Supreme Knowledge. When Knowledge generates Vairagya (impartiality and impersonality) and they both must result in Bhakti, we reach a state where the whole universe is the Consciousness alone. When one realizes that it is immortal, unchanging, unaffected, non-acting, and when one’s focus shifts from the small, constricted identity to the universal identity, then all doership is dissolved. Listening to Bhagavatam, reading it and introspecting on it, the mind and intelligence undergo a transformation and real Bhakti is generated. This leads to liberation.

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