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Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

212 – by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha – Informal Satsang with Poojya Swamiji 01 – Q&A

740 Views | 2 months ago

An informal Satsang with Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha ji during USA Jnana Yajna 2024.

Date: 04 June 2024
Venue: 1004 Ginger Ct, Brentwood, CA 94513

In this Q & A session, Swamiji gives directions on how one should proceed in the spiritual pursuit. The listeners get clear, concise replies to their questions regarding the Sadhana, the Soul, and about living life without getting bound.

Living and interacting in the world, a seeker’s focus on the spiritual goal keeps wavering. How to keep the focus on the goal? We mistakenly think that we are interacting with the world. In reality, we are interacting with the omni-present God/Self, which is permeating the world. A seeker must develop this attitude and thought process. If he thinks that he is surrounded and penetrated by God, he is never distant from God, he will not lose focus on his goal.

There is a presence within the body, which never ceases to exist. It is absolute existence, it is unchanging. Initially, Soul is an idea in the mind. When a seeker starts probing, developing it and introspecting on it, he understands that it is absolute existence. The goal of a seeker is to seek this ultimate wisdom.

How should one lead life, free from all bondage? The state of freedom is that state where one becomes freed from the shackles of the mind and intelligence, which bind an individual. Sentience has the power to dissolve mind’s problems and dispel the doubts of the intelligence. The aim of the seeker must be to realize this inner sentience, presence, which animates and activates the body. He must realize the inner presence which is different from all matter and energy and which is the witness of everything.

In interacting with the world, the mind and intelligence get affected by people, places, and situations. The seeker should understand that he is only the witness of the entire world. The witness position bestows great freedom, strength and lightness and one is able to glide through happiness, unhappiness, problems etc. This is a mento-intellectual pursuit which will transform the mind and intelligence. Swamiji urges listeners to sit in a place and observe the mind and the mind processes without getting involved with the thoughts. This introspection infuses qualities in the mind and the intelligence and nourishes them.

Shlokas chanted in the Satsang:
35:56 - कथं ज्ञानमवाप्नोति कथं मुक्तिर्भविष्यति….Ashtavakra Gita 1.1
41:15 - न पृथ्वी न जलं नाग्निर्न वायुर्द्यौर्न वा भवान्…Ashtavakra Gita 1.3

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About us:
Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.

from the ashram diary


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