Verses for introspection

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    Articles (15)

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    32 | On Bhagavad Gita | Attractions and repulsions – be not swayed by them

    Activities of every one, viewed fundamentally, spring from the same source. Grand Nature, a compound of sattva, rajas and tamas, gives rise to abundant plural...

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    25 | On Bhagavad Gita | Samatva – the essence of Bhagavad Gita

    Take away from your mind, O Arjuna, all sense of difference about the spiritual pursuit. It is the mind and intelligence that work in both cases. In Jñāna-niṣṭhā, they become very specific and exclusive. And in Karma-niṣṭhā, their application is broad, including all activities of worldly life. So, remove even the least sense of difference between the two niṣṭhās. For, they have the same emphasis as well as goal. Each will take the seeker to the same spiritual goal of inner fullness, abundance and ecstasy.

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    Ma Gurupriya

    The Milieu of an Exalted Dialogue – An Introduction to Yogavāsishtha Rāmāyana

    Sri Rama said: “How the human misery could be alleviated, is the only thought that consumes me like wildfire. “What is this strange world where...

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    20 | On Bhagavad Gita | Truthful introspection leads to inner mastery

    The entire spiritual pursuit and perfection rest upon the fusion of the emotional mind with the rational intelligence. For a discriminating thinker, the whole subject...

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    15 | On Bhagavad Gita | Act fervently but without Sanga

    Gita does not deal with the objective results of actions at all, where the rules and laws of the objective world prevail. Krishna, as well as Vedanta, speaks only about spirituality, the science of inner mind, intelligence and Self. Possession, dispossession, delusion, clarity, enlightenment, etc. are concepts that relate to the inner personality of the human.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    8 | On Bhagavad Gita | Body to the Soul is like dress to the body

    Soul is all-pervading, hence present in all bodies. By dropping a body, it does not become bodyless. As is the air present in all bodies, so is the presence of ‘I’, the Self, the Soul, in all bodies.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    7 | On Bhagavad Gita | Exploring the Magnificence of Inner Presence

    Poojya Swamiji exhorts us to employ our intelligence and realize the truth, no matter where we are and what we are out to do! Inner knowledge pursuit is not deterred by any external activity.

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    Ma Gurupriya

    The Indweller who Enlivens our Body, Mind and Intelligence

    Ma tells us how we should be grateful to the Universal Lord who being present in our heart enlivens our entire being – the body, mind and the intelligence; how, remembering this great Truth, we should prostrate at His holy feet in reverence and gratitude.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Introspection and emotional refinement

    Whatever you do, wherever you are, you can pursue constant introspectional sadhana of refinement and purification. In fact it should be so.

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Intoxicating Delusion

    Man remains oblivious of the fact that, with the rising and setting of the sun, life is shrinking every day. He is so much engrossed in the heavy burden of worldly activities that never is he aware that time, which is very precious, which could have been used for the pursuit of liberation, is simply passing by and is getting wasted.

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Contentment is in the Mind

    वयमिह परितुष्टा वल्कलैस्त्वं दुकूलै:सम इव परितोषो निर्विशेषो विशेष: ।स तु भवतु दरिद्रो यस्य तृष्णा विशाला मनसि च परितुष्टे कोऽर्थवान् को दरिद्र: ।। vayamiha parituṣṭā valkalaistvaṁ dukūlaiḥ sama iva paritoṣo nirviśeṣo viśeṣaḥ |sa tu bhavatu daridro yasya tṛṣṇā viśālā manasi ca parituṣṭe ko'rthavān ko daridraḥ ||

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    Ma Gurupriya

    The Bliss of Non-Expectation

    निष्किंञ्चना मय्यनुरक्तचेतसः शान्ता महान्तोऽखिलजीववत्सलाः। कामैरनालब्धधियो जुषन्ति यत् तन्नैरपेक्ष्यं न विदुः सुखं मम ।। niṣkiṁncanā mayyanuraktacetasaḥ śāntā mahānto'khilajīvavatsalāḥ| kāmairanālabdhadhiyo juṣanti yat tannairapekṣyaṁ na viduḥ sukhaṁ mama ||

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    Ma Gurupriya

    The Cause of Happiness and Misery

    नायं जनो मे सुखदुःखहेतु र्न देवतात्मा ग्रहकर्मकालाः। मनः परं कारणमामनन्ति संसारचक्रं परिवर्तयेद्यत्।। nāyaṁ jano me sukha-duḥkha-hetur-na devatātmā graha-karma-kālāḥ | manaḥ paraṁ kāraṇam-āmananti saṁsāra-cakraṁ parivartayed-yat ||

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Our True Nature

    आदित्यवद्भास्यविलक्षणोऽहम् ।
    अम्भोधिवत्पारविवर्जितोऽहम् ।।
    ādityavadbhāsyavilakṣaṇo'ham |
    ambhodhivatpāravivarjito'ham ||

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    Ma Gurupriya

    The State of Fullness

    पूर्णे मनसि संपूर्णं जगत्सर्वं सुधाद्रवैः।
    उपानद्-गूढपादस्य ननु चर्मास्तृतैव भूः ॥

    pūrṇe manasi sampūrṇaṃ jagat-sarvaṃ sudhādravai: |
    upānad-gūḍhapādasya nanu carmāstṛtaiva bhū: ||

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