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Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
[Upanishads as well as Śrīmad Bhāgavatam speak about announcing as widely as possible spiritual talks, programmes and institutions. It is not for fame, but to spread good and noble values in the society. A Knower understands how much invaluable this Knowledge is and works untiringly to propagate it for the welfare of the future generations. He earnestly wishes that more and more pure and sincere seekers should come to inherit this treasure. How will they come if the existence of its Presence is not announced widely?
As the Ashram grew to its present dimension, Poojya Swamiji started contemplating on a fitting Kavāṭa (arch gate) at the entrance of the Ashram, to welcome the seekers of Truth. Finally, on the last day of Gurupoornima Retreat, the new Kavāṭa was inaugurated.
Poojya Swamiji composed beautiful ślokas for the occasion, which he explained during the inaugural function. Swamiji’s message gave us all a meaningful glimpse into the state of mind of a Knower, and how every single act he does is for the welfare of all around him.]
Growth of the Tapovanam
I do not know whether all of you know that this is actually a Tapovanam. I have planted a few trees here. We would like to keep the place with as much greenery as possible. But, we must also have accommodation for ourselves as well as for the devotees who come here in pursuit of their spiritual quest. So, buildings also are necessary.
How did this place come to us? I had always wanted to live in a place where none had lived. Fortunately, Providence arranged this kind of a place.
When I came, this place was inaccessible. We had a few foxes, rabbits and snakes. There was practically no vegetation in this land. The owner of the land said: “The land is lying in one stretch. To divide it will be very difficult. Whatever land I have, please take.”
The next place we procured was a lower land because we did not have enough water for irrigation and our purposes. Soon people started coming to stay. We named it as ‘Tapovan Vihar’. Another land that we procured was given the name ‘Kananam’. The third land we procured was for the Devi temple, that is called ‘Upavanam’. The other towards north is called ‘Uttar Khand’, being used for workers’ accommodation. Then we procured another land on the south to save the hill from land mafia. It was named ‘Panchavati’. All these names, you will find, indicate a kind of a forest situation.
I tried getting telephone, electricity, tarred road and finally bus service also. Our telephone was necessary for the villagers to call taxi for patients during night to be taken to the hospital. Hence, our gate remained open in the night so that villagers could enter and use the telephone.
All these are over now. The Ashram stable buildings are there and they are inter-connected. It is quite looking like an institution, ready to grow still further.
Background of the Arch Gate (Kavāṭa)
I did not have any idea of developing an institution as such. I only wanted to live an austere and ascetic life, talking to whoever came to me and wanted me to talk. But, Nutan Swamiji and Ma would always speak about Ramakrishna mission, Sri Aurobindo Ashram etc. where they had been. Their institutional thinking also started infecting me. So, when these buildings were made and they were inter-connected, standing at the central Mandapam, I said: “I think, now our Ashram has become an institution.”
I thought, when this much has been made, we should have an institutional gate, inviting people to come. But, we are severely restricted because of lack of sufficient space near the entrance.
Architect Vijayan was told. He is a very good soul, helping us whenever we wanted, coming all the way from Cochin. However, after a few weeks, he came again and said: “Swamiji, no idea comes to me.” I said: “You have my blessings. Go ahead and think.”
Before leaving he asked me: “Swamiji do you want the Gate to be imposing or inviting?” I said: “We do not want an imposing one, we want an inviting structure.”
Then, he sent one, two, three designs and finally we all arrived at the present design. I think it has come out well. Also, Vijayan’s idea has been given shape well by our contractor Ramesh.
Why this Arch
For me, and I think for Nutan Swamiji and Ma, everything is our Guru. We have nothing. Ever since I went to my Guru and took initiation, worship of God became a closed chapter for me. This morning when I started thinking about this Gate and its inauguration, a few Sanskrit verses representing our mission and the philosophy behind the Gate germinated in my mind:
तपोवनं समागन्तुं सर्वेषां स्वागतं भवेत् ।
तपोधनैः सदा ह्यत्र क्रियते ब्रह्मबोधनम् ॥
This is a Tapovanam. All people who would like to come to this Tapovanam, are always welcome. Here, realization of the supreme Reality is always discussed by the Tapodhanas – Ascetics, for whom austerity is the sole treasure.
We are trying to awaken and arouse people to the knowledge of Brahman. What is happening here is Jñāna Tapas and what we do is enlightening people about their own supreme Identity.
अज्ञानकृतदोषाणां ज्ञानमेवौषधं परम् ।
चित्तशुद्धिप्रसादेन गुरुसङ्गवशादपि ।
उदेतु सम्यक् शिष्याणां स्वात्मज्ञानैकमङ्गलम् ॥
For all the impurities and disorders caused by ignorance, knowledge of Self alone is the ultimate medicine. This knowledge dawns in the intelligence, through the purification of mind gained by close association with the Guru. May the auspicious Self-knowledge dawn very well in all the disciples.
You must have purity of mind. If you want enlightenment, you must have a close association with the Teacher. When the Teacher is enlightened, every word and action of his will become an enlightening element. It is not a piecemeal knowledge that you meditate for two or three years and understand the Self. The knowledge should arise in abundant measure removing all the constrictions and doubts from your mind and intelligence.
सर्वभूतहितार्थित्वं ज्ञानिनः परमं मतम् ।
एतत्विज्ञापनार्थं हि कवाटोऽयं सुनिर्मितः ॥
For the knowers of Truth, interest in the welfare of others is the most important factor in their life. This Gateway (Kavāṭa) is built to announce this message, to make it known to people.
While Jñāna-niṣṭhā marks an ascetic, you should understand that he is a human, a member of the society. His body is sustained by the society. As much as his mind is interested in gaining wisdom and fulfilment, it will equally be pulsating with the wellbeing of everybody around.
People should know that this is a Tapovanam. This is specially meant for seekers of Knowledge, seekers of Truth. But here other help seekers also come and we try to serve them.
May Brahmavidya ever remain a living pursuit in this Tapovanam. May more and more good and noble seekers come here to gain fulfilment for their own mind and also to serve the society.
गोविन्द नाम संकीर्तनं …. गोविन्द …. गोविन्द
नमः पार्वतीपतये …. हर हर महादेव ….
“A Knower earnestly wishes that more and more pure and sincere seekers should come to inherit this treasure. How will they come if the existence of its Presence is not announced widely?”
“Before leaving architect Vijayan asked me: “Swamiji do you want the Gate to be imposing or inviting?” I said: “We do not want an imposing one, we want an inviting structure.””
“This is a Tapovanam. All people who would like to come to this Tapovanam, are always welcome. Here, realization of the supreme Reality is always discussed by the Tapodhanas – Ascetics, for whom austerity is the sole treasure.”
“For all the impurities and disorders caused by ignorance, knowledge of Self alone is the ultimate medicine. This knowledge dawns in the intelligence, through the purification of mind gained by close association with the Guru. May the auspicious Self-knowledge dawn very well in all the disciples.”