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Dealing with Doubt

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Mind creates the problem, solution lies with the intelligence. You nourish your body, taking exercises also. In the same manner, you must be able to nourish your mind and intelligence.

Q1: Arjuna in the middle of the battlefield, had to deal with crippling self-doubt. We call it ‘Imposter Syndrome’. How do we know whether the doubts we have are legitimate areas of growth, or just us succumbing to fear?

PS: Doubt is nothing new. Krishna made Arjuna introspect over his doubt and grief and automatically the doubt vanished.

Wherever you are, interactions are always between the inner personality and its surroundings—persons, places and events. They are designed and implemented by the mind employing the body and senses. Interactions proceed from the mind, subsist in the mind and also terminate in the mind. What then should be the focus of all interactions?

Our mind is a rope consisting of three strands—attraction, repulsion and fear. Anyone who has a mind will have these three. Identify them and assess them properly and sublimate them. When attraction, repulsion and fear are sublimated, automatically you will have a greatly more resourceful inner personality.

Your mind is greater than the world. Otherwise, it cannot reflect the world. It reflects the Sun, sea, sky and stars. What then is the dimension, measure and magnitude of the mind?

Mind creates the problem and the solution lies with the intelligence. You nourish your body, taking exercises also. In the same manner, you must be able to nourish your mind and intelligence.

Arjuna came to the battlefield with 13 years of preparation, buoyant with enthusiasm to fight and win. But he had not envisaged fighting his own kith and kin. Mere skill of weapons was not sufficient. He had not equipped and enriched himself with the psycho-intellectual empowerment and resources to fight the Mahabharata war. When Arjuna crumbled, Krishna treated the mind of Arjuna and set it right.

There are three kinds of people:

  • The most common is one who before doing something thinks: “Oh it is so difficult, so much of obstruction and hindrance! “ They will not start.
  • Second category will start but when they are beset with difficulties they will withdraw.
  • Third category is rare – even if they are repeatedly assailed by obstacles, they will not leave what they have taken up.

Which category do you want to belong to? Think accordingly.

Three boys went to climb a hill. Seeing the tall hill, one did not attempt. Other two started climbing. After some time, the second boy felt tired and came down. The third boy put all his energy and enthusiasm and continued climbing. Every time he was placing his feet, the hill was reducing in height – the peak was getting nearer to him. With enthusiasm and drive, he climbed faster and faster and finally stood on the top. The hill was below. This is how you have to develop your own enthusiasm, fervour and resolve. Mind has inexhaustible resources.

Vicharasethu-May 2022

“ Your mind is greater than the world. Otherwise, it cannot reflect the world. It reflects the Sun, sea, sky and stars. What then is the dimension, measure and magnitude of the mind? ”

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