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Divinity in Everything

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


If the earth is divine, then whatever has grown on the earth is also divine, including our own body. Instead of realizing this divinity which is already there in us and around us, we construct temples to install God there.

I was speaking about sublimity—how to generate sublimity by one’s own sublime practices. You have to become sublime, and then you will find sublimity in everything around you.

People are looking for God, praising God, and in order to have a touch and protection from God they erect temples, construct puja rooms and perform various rituals. Is it not quite away from the ideal, from the reality? The fact is that the whole earth itself is godly or divine, as are the other heavenly bodies hovering in the sky. All are born from the unfathomable space or void. Are they not divine?

If the earth is divine, then whatever has grown on the earth is also divine, including our own body. Instead of realizing this divinity which is already there in us and around us, we construct temples to install God there. Not being able to find God in the rock created by God Himself, we create an idol out of it and worship it as God!Well, it is ok as a preliminary lesson, initial practice. But sooner or later we must try to feel divinity in the entire creation.

There is a beautiful verse Ma often sings:

लोकेश चैतन्यमयादिदेव श्रीकान्त विष्णो भवदाज्ञयैव।
प्रातः समुत्थाय तव प्रियार्थं संसारयात्रामनुवर्तयिष्ये॥

lokeśa caitanyamayādideva śrīkānta viṣṇo bhavadājñayaiva|
prātaḥ samutthāya tava priyārthaṁ saṁsārayātrāmanuvartayiṣye||

O Controller of the worlds, who is of the nature of consciousness and the first of all gods (of the nature of brilliance), O Mahavishnu, the consort of Sri (all these are names addressing the supreme Presence; some are personal, some are impersonal) — waking up by Your command in the morning, we undertake this voyage in the world for the sake of Your pleasure alone.

The consciousness within you, the power and presence within you, puts you to sleep. The same power wakes you up. Can you see how the divinity and sublimity are generated and felt by these thoughts? We find divinity in the very first involuntary action of waking up. The same divinity we find in all our activities throughout the day—in brushing teeth, taking bath, taking food, in going to the office and coming back home, in walking, talking, thinking, in everything that comes our way. The same divinity we find in the very purpose of our life: “I follow the course set by You for Your own Ultimate purpose”. The whole life thus fits into the system of the world. It becomes a part of the Divine’s huge Karmayajna.

You grow up, go to school, get employed, get married, bring up children, do many things in the domestic, social or professional field—all these you are able to do because the earth revolves, seasons follow, the sun rises and sets, the heart beats, lungs bellow and the mind thinks. When you link up all the activities—big and small—with the inner presence, the universal power and its will, then where is the scope for any preference and prejudice? The whole life will become divine and sublime when looked at with this comprehensive vision.

My dear souls, divinity is not to be gained from outside. It has to be generated. You have to become divine.

Your problem is that you think the samsara-yatra (voyage in the world) as yours and you keep God at a distance, allocating only a few minutes or hours for His thoughts. And you want to reach Him! The fundamental ignorance lies in creating and preserving this difference or division between you and divinity, between you and God.

All are Divine. Divinity is everywhere. Feel this by becoming sublime…Words will come to a stop. Thoughts will cease…You will start feeling vastness, silence, peace… Eyes will close by themselves, heart-beat will come down. So much of sublimity you can feel….feel…feel!

Swamiji’s voice became lower and lower, deeper and deeper, and finally faded into Silence from which has come this world and all the heavenly bodies. With the sun finally being able to pierce the eastern clouds, the whole assembly was bathed in the morning rays, and more so in the engulfing sublimity.

Jai Guru.

From the book Prabhata Rashmih—Vol 1


“My dear souls, divinity is not to be gained from outside. It has to be generated. You have to become divine. ”

“The fundamental ignorance lies in creating and preserving this difference or division between you and divinity, between you and God.”

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