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Most Empowering Experience

Having had the great fortune of attending the program twice (in 2011 and in 2012) at CIRD, Vasundhara, I want to confidently declare that there is no training course, program, or package, in the elite business schools in India or abroad, or in the larger corporate world, where empowerment is instantly imparted to the participants.

Poojya Swamiji,

My pranāms and prostrations!

I thought I should write to you in detail about the Experiential Vedanta program, which Maya and I have now attended twice. My attempt would be to build on what I briefly spoke at the concluding session of the program at Vasundhara on 02 December 2012.

The Experiential Vedanta program, in my earnest opinion, has the unique and divine ability in the participant-seeker to trigger a sublime process of internal enhancement, empowerment, and fulfillment. Having had the great fortune of attending the program twice (in 2011 and in 2012) at CIRD, Vasundhara, I want to confidently declare that there is no training course, program, or package, in the elite business schools in India or abroad, or in the larger corporate world, where empowerment is instantly imparted to the participants.

The program seamlessly blends into itself a unique mind-reengineering, intelligence-streamlining, and performance-enhancement regimen too. These have been the pet themes of business professionals, corporate trainers, business school professors, and performance coaches alike. Personality development advisors, leadership gurus, and human resource consultants have burnt considerable cerebral matter, spent huge training monies, and made massive profits on development and training programs on these. Unfortunately, however, no program, to the best of my knowledge, has ever got these topics right. They evaded the subject by avoiding The Subject, and they have always lost the plot. So much for the worth of corporate training programs, business school courses, or development workshops!

What makes the Experiential Vedanta program inimitable is three-fold: (a) the care with which the topics are chosen and weaved together from the authoritative ancient Indian texts and scriptures; (b) the scientific method and rationality with which the principles and concepts are discussed; (c) the matchless spontaneity, the unquestionable logic, and the absolute passion with which you as also Nutan Swamiji and Ma speak. This has been science, science, and only science all through! What eighteen years of formal education and almost an equal number of years of work experience could not, a few days of Experiential Vedanta could.

The past one year had been, undoubtedly, the landmark year in my life. Even as the Experiential Vedanta program was concluding at Vasundhara in the first week of December last year, I was assuming a new, enhanced role in my company as a Practice Area Head and a member of the management team in India. Our company had just globally acquired another multinational firm – the combination brought two streams of business, two organizational cultures, and multiple distinct styles of work together in over 80 countries where we are present. India was no exception. My boss, the CEO, had changed, and fifty percent of my new associates belonged to another parent company until a month before!

Working together with a new set of colleagues, leading and guiding a new practice area, ensuring camaraderie and free communication, and inspiring exemplary performance were the new challenges I shouldered at work, in my new role. Not to speak of all the usual business performance indicators – revenue and profits and much else – I had to deliver on. As I began, I had doubted myself. But the lessons and messages I picked at the Experiential Vedanta program (December 2011), the words spoken by you, Nutan Swamiji, and Ma had already made their indelible mark in the depths of my elements. The principles, concepts, and messages worked wonders – they inspired and transformed me. I found myself effortlessly easing through almost every task I performed or responsibility I shouldered. I tried to maintain an even and fearless mind, and I was successful to a considerable measure. Stress and trauma at work reduced; anxiety and agitation about results receded. Some of my best client engagements happened this past year. There were big challenges and setbacks too, but they passed. At home, I supported Maya much more than I had otherwise done. What a shame I had not assisted or helped her much in her household chores or other responsibilities earlier! What a shame I had temperamental tantrums at home until then! I have softened and mellowed considerably, and Maya vouches for this!

My concepts of personality, my notion of mind and intelligence, my understanding of faith and devotion, my very idea of spirituality and God took a different, magnificent dimension. My thoughts, actions, and interactions improved; or so I believe. The “Subject” started acquiring a new meaning and prominence in my thoughts. I strived for even-mindedness. I know I have failed many a time and continue to fail, but I continue to strive. The Bhagavad Gita entered my daily routine. It was a colossal blunder to have disregarded this great text and gone behind trash all these years. What I learnt, through formal and non-formal education, eclipsed in front of the great scripture. I had wasted time reading random fiction, watching useless television, honing mundane skills, or pursuing trivial goals. It was now time to switch gears. With great fervor, I read Atmasaraniyil, Brahmavidyā Abhyāsā, Vedantic Way of Living, and In the Company of my Lord. I read Atmasaraniyil thrice; I have started to read In the Company of my Lord a second time over.

My second round of Experiential Vedanta was a splendid refresher – my understanding has now grown deeper; my yearning has scaled higher. I now have a new-found aspiration. I feel like a fresh kid in preschool, all set to take small strides. I hope I will be able to progress.

I feel truly blessed.

Maya joins me as I prostrate at your holy feet. Our pranāms and prostrations to Nutan Swamiji and Ma too.


– Letter by a participant of a ‘Experiential Vedanta Program’

“What eighteen years of formal education and almost an equal number of years of work experience could not, a few days of Experiential Vedanta could. ”

“My second round of Experiential Vedanta was a splendid refresher – my understanding has now grown deeper; my yearning has scaled higher. I now have a new-found aspiration. ”

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