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Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Seeking definitely implies pursuing sadhana. A Sadguru alone can put you in sadhana. Sadhana is not studying, reciting or hearing. It is yoking the mind and heart and lead them to the very source of thought itself. Guru alone knows this.
21 April 2022
Dear Swamiji:
I have been writing to you once in a while for clarifications in my spiritual life. I have some questions to clarify my doubts.
Is Deeksha from an enlightened Sadguru necessary for Self-realization? Are not listening to you, contemplating on your spiritual teachings and meditation enough if I have eagerness for it? I have heard that Guru-darśana is Brahma-darśana. If Deeksha is necessary, what are the basic eligibilities required for me to receive Deeksha from you? I want to assess myself first before making a request.
I understand the goals of a human life, as per the Purusharthas, are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
I am 44 years old now. I am a householder, living with my wife and two children. My wife is not very spiritual, and seems not interested in a spiritual life based on Advaita principles and Master-disciple relationship. She is more a kind of temple-devotee. My daughter is 14 years old, studying in 10th standard. My son is 9 years, in 5th standard. I have all basic amenities required for a family to live. I am not working at present and utilise my time mostly on spiritual learnings, practices and household activities.
Swamiji, kindly advise me on this.
Praṇāms, G
* * *
16 July 2022
Dear and blessed G:
Harih Om Tat Sat. Your email of 21 April is before me and I am reading it again.
Any earnest seeker will not have a question on the need for having a Guru to lead him safely and fast to his goal. You want to reach somewhere. You do not clearly know the destination. If someone knows and is ready to help you, why think further about it at all? To doubt means your seeking is not real; it is only a show or delusion.
Seeking definitely implies pursuing sadhana. A Sadguru alone can put you in sadhana. Sadhana is not studying, reciting or hearing. It is yoking the mind and heart and lead them to the very source of thought itself. Guru alone knows this. To have a Guru, one should earnestly feel for it. He is your Guru in whose presence your mind feels peace, confidence and hope. No other factor comes here.
It is the call of one’s own heart.
Final goal of human life is Moksha, liberation, which can result only from Self-knowledge. Dharma, Artha and Kama only lead you towards it.
For one married, the best will be to pursue seeking and take deeksha. Meaning of marriage is that the married will be together in whatever they do, especially in religious or spiritual matters. Spirituality is a pleasant and sublime pursuit, it is a plus to everyone. It makes a husband a better husband, a wife a better wife. By spirituality, the bond will only become sweeter, gentler and more flexible.
Spirituality works in the inmost level of everyone, from where all thoughts, feelings and inspiration emerge. Why should any wife or husband not like it? I think you have not been able to understand and explain matters well. Your mutual fondness is sufficient to lead you together safely, each supporting the other heartily.
In the name of spirituality, one should not grow any aversion or resentment against anyone or anything. Generally seekers get deluded and begin to take a wrong stand.
We have so many householder disciples and devotees. In fact, the world every time is 99.99 recurring percent householders alone. The remaining fractional percentage alone is ascetics. Everywhere they grow greater fondness for one another, and the family relationship becomes better. True spirituality instils sweetness and amiability in the seeker.
Vātsalya, affection, is the one quality spirituality inculcates in the seeking mind. A good and graceful Knower is described as an akhila-jeeva-vatsalaḥ, a good, benevolent, lover of all beings. The mind becomes broad, extensive, and to that extent its contentment and fulfilment also grow incredibly.
Spiritual sadhana makes one pure, gentle, loving, adjusting, accommodating, tolerant and forbearing. It is fullness of wisdom for the intelligence, and gracefulness and fondness for the mind. Discuss the subject and seeking on this ground with your wife, and let me know where things stand.
Love and āśīrvād. Nutan Swamiji and Ma also send their loving good wishes.
Antarātmā, Swamiji.
Vicharasethu—November 2022
“In the name of spirituality, one should not grow any aversion or resentment against anyone or anything.”
“Spiritual sadhana makes one pure, gentle, loving, adjusting, accommodating, tolerant and forbearing. It is fullness of wisdom for the intelligence, and gracefulness and fondness for the mind.”