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Real Education

Ma Gurupriya


It is time that you grow from the state of just ‘asking blessings for good results in studies’. Time has come that you read 2 shlokas everyday from the Bhagavad Gita written by Poojya Swamiji. Read the shlokas, simple translation and also Swamiji’s commentary.

My Sincere pranams to Poojya Swamiji, Maa and to Nutan Swamiji,

…Today I am writing this mail to seek your blessings and to bring your attention that I have completed my B.Sc Graduation degree which was the undergraduate program. For my postgraduate program, I got selected in several colleges on the basis of merit. I finally have chosen to go for VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VELLORE for doing my Masters.

Swamiji, my online classes will commence from next month. I seek blessings from you, Maa and Nutan Swamiji as well.

Pranams at your holy feet,

Jai Guru.

Dear and blessed …:

Harih Om Tat Sat Jai Guru.

We are extremely happy to know that you have got admission by merit in the Vellore Institute of Technology for doing Masters in Biotechnology. You have always been a good and sincere student. Biotechnology is a very good branch as far as I know. I am also happy that you will be studying in an Institute far away from home and will get exposure to teachers and students from different parts of the country. Of course, now it is only online.

Study well. I am sure you will find a lot of interest in this new subject. However, don’t only be a studious person focussing only on text books to get good marks. Apply intelligence and also be thoughtful and introspective. Assess your own thoughts, views, speech and action. Never be selfish. My love and blessings for continuing to do well in studies and to develop all the good qualities of an excellent human being.

From your childhood you have seen your parents being devoted to Poojya Swamiji. Very naturally, the minds of all of you siblings became devoted to Poojya Swamiji. Till now you have been seeking His blessings only for your studies. Now that you have grown up, take interest in Poojya Swamiji’s teachings also. The greatest offering at His feet is to understand and follow what he teaches. He has been relentlessly teaching with compassion for years and years so that everybody is able to be happy and peaceful in every situation in life.

Dear …, it is time that you grow from the state of just ‘asking blessings for good results in studies’. Time has come that you read 2 shlokas everyday from the Bhagavad Gita written by Poojya Swamiji. Read the shlokas, simple translation and also Swamiji’s commentary. Make it a habit. These words of Sri Krishna and Poojya Swamiji’s explanation will always be your friend and guide in all situations, good or bad, favourable or unfavourable. They will give you strength, confidence, hope and intelligence to take right decisions at the right time.

Start it today itself. I will tell ‘N’ to give a book to you. Keep it in front of Poojya Swamiji’s photo and start this beautiful habit of swādhyāya right away.

Let me know whether you have started.

This book should be your own book. In fact, it is not a book, it is your inseparable friend. Never part with it. Take it along with you wherever you travel and read it daily.

With love and blessings to your parents, ‘D’, ‘S’ and you,


– Letter to a young devotee


“These words of Sri Krishna and Poojya Swamiji’s explanation will always be your friend and guide in all situations, good or bad, favourable or unfavourable. They will give you strength, confidence, hope and intelligence to take right decisions at the right time.”

“Don’t only be a studious person focussing only on text books to get good marks.”

“This book (Bhagavad Gita) should be your own book. In fact, it is not a book, it is your inseparable friend. Never part with it. Take it along with you wherever you travel and read it daily.”

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