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The Great one

I know of none who is so great

To walk this earth in the Age of Doubt.

He has arrived to show the way

And turn our darkness to brightest day.


Who says no joy is left in the world?
All greatness gone, they say, wrung out like dye
From coloured cloth of poor quality!
Open your eyes, let light come in,
Strain your ears, you’ll catch the tune;
I tell you, the Great one has come!

What is he like, what are his signs?
What does he do to make himself known?
How does he walk, how does he talk?
How is he different from you and I?
Answer these questions if you can,
Only through the Great one I know I am

He came as one no different from the another,
On surface he seemed an ordinary man.
His brow was marked, so light and pure,
The sign of Creation he carried on him.
His field the world, his weapon knowledge,
His byword love, liberation his promise.

His words are gracious, full of wisdom,
His voice is music to the ear.
His countenance is bright and peaceful,
Sharp his mind with knowledge pure.
His gait is sure, restrained his pace,
His gestures light and full of grace.

He speaks of treasure in the human heart,
Which to discover should be our lot.
Self we call it, a gem so fine,
Shrouded in ignorance since primordial time.
He is the man who takes the pains
To remove our ignorance and reveal the grains.

I know of none who is so great
To walk this earth in the Age of Doubt.
He has arrived to show the way
And turn our darkness to brightest day.
No words are adequate to describe what I feel,
I bow my head in silent appeal —
Grace us your light!

Hari Om

– From Vicharasethu–June 1977

“I bow my head in silent appeal --- Grace us your light!”

“He is the man who takes the pains To remove our ignorance and reveal the grains.”

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