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Ma Gurupriya
‘Be what you are’. And find fulfillment in doing so. Rest is all nature and its motivation and course.
This is an instruction sheet typed out by Poojya Swamiji in 1986 for Ma, after her second visit to the Ashram.
Ma says: These were the specific guidelines Swamiji wanted me to follow in that stage of my sādhanā. To me, the sheet became Swamiji himself. I handled it with great care, shraddha and sanctity.
1. If your whole focus in life is spiritual seeking and fulfillment—if this is so– then from now on do not worry about spiritual progress at all. This wholesome focus is called eka-chittatā (one-pointedness). Generally, the purpose of sādhanā is to accomplish this wholesomeness.
2. As for liberation, unaffectedness is liberation. Everyday you are what you were the previous day, plus what you have acquired or lost that day. Around a constant quotient is built a transmuting quotient, both together leading to the next day. Laws of nature will bring new factors to your life and also drive your life to newer places. Your nature pushes, and broad nature pulls. The drama will go on, endlessly, till embodiment ceases.
3. Normally, understanding this will not satisfy the seeker because of some expectations. Expectations must become extinct. Liberation is vāsanā-tānavam—extinction of desires. Desires will not fall the way you want, but will fall. Recognize the place for extinction of desires, and allow them to settle.
4. As for joyfulness and exhilaration, normally every system should produce it. But each personality has its quality, level and order. Like variations in voice, varying thrills and ecstasies also can be had. You will not walk with strides longer than what your legs will permit. Likewise, the ecstasy will be of the quality, level and order that your system permits. Rather than seeking anything specially, observe and allow what is harmonious to yourself. Be more an observer and helper than a hinderer.
5. Rather than craving for joy, allow the natural joy to well forth. Remove all obstacles.
6. Harmony to be with others and with yourself. Others may include any and all. Yourself will consist of any and all of your characteristics.
7. Do not compare seekers and siddhas, particularly to determine your status. Bhishma fought and fell; Krishna advised and escaped; Rama abandoned and suffered; Shankara argued and travelled; Chaitanya Mahāprabhu shed tears and led masses. Some had devotion; some delighted in wisdom; some excelled in dispassion; some sang and some wrote; you will do one of these or something new. That can only be natural or harmonious to you. If by mistake it becomes otherwise, that deflection has to be corrected. Better avoid such discrepancy.
8. In short, Be what you are. And find fulfillment in doing so. Rest is all nature and its motivation and course.
From the book- “In the Company of My Lord”.
“Rather than craving for joy, allow the natural joy to well forth. Remove all obstacles. ”
“If your whole focus in life is spiritual seeking and fulfillment—if this is so-- then from now on do not worry about spiritual progress at all. ”