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Ma Gurupriya
Do everything in your life but understand this Soul-knowledge, attaining which you can effectively live and work in this world, with confidence and strength of mind.
(Excerpts from Ma’s Q & A session during the fifth Global Bhagavad Gita Convention themed ‘Mental Harmony’)
Q: We have touched the topic of “Mental Harmony” in so many different ways. Can I ask from your perspective, what would you like the audience to walk away with?
Ma: I would very much like to say-to the youngsters particularly- Do everything in your life but understand this Soul-knowledge, attaining which you can effectively live and work in this world, with confidence and strength of mind.
I would ask everybody, especially those who are already on the path, to bring the message of Bhagavad Gita into their lives. One should not just study Bhagavad Gita; one must live it, and be adorned with the excellent qualities which Sri Krishna speaks about. When we ourselves display these qualities, everybody around also will feel inspired to follow the message of Sri Krishna, to lead an effective life with full confidence.
Bhagavad Gita should be seriously studied through reading, reflection and rumination. Never feel that you do not have time. While taking a bath, when walking or exercising, our mind is free. We can fill it with thoughts of the Self—its magnificence and glory. We can think of the message of Bhagavad Gita and our scriptures.
We generally do not miss regular routines like bathing, eating, sleeping etc. even when we are tired or in difficulty. Similarly, we should not miss thinking of the Self. Remaining in this Self-knowledge gives us unaffectedness, fearlessness, eternal peace and happiness.
To my dear young children who are newly exposed, as your mother, very lovingly and with a lot of fondness I am telling you, make some time in the day and think. Those are baby steps but walk and love the spiritual path.
We already know the worldly path is there. We know we have to get educated, get a job, get married and have children, bring them up etc. In the process we will get name, fame, prestige, and there will be misery also.
Please think about this path too and give it prominence.
Tread the path, love the walking itself. What you will get you don’t know but love these qualities and you will become confident, fearless, cheerful. You will not be shaken even in grave adversities. You will do your job excellently, as your mind will be free from some of the shackles you have now. You will live in this world victoriously, spreading love to everybody, remaining happy yourself and making everybody happy. All this will happen if you remain connected with your Self.
– Vicharasethu-July 2022
“Love the spiritual path.”
“We should not miss thinking of the Self. Remaining in this Self-knowledge gives us unaffectedness, fearlessness, eternal peace and happiness. ”