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The Source Within

The Guru teaches by word, touch, sight and thought, say the śāstrās. And where else than in Gurusannidhi is this proved more explicitly?

Jai Guru!

Sunday, 1st March 2015, early morning: I sat in the front row on the mat spread before Poojya Swamiji’s chair, in Vijñāna Bhavan. Poojya Swamiji, resplendent in his bright ochre attire sat with semi-closed eyes, as if in deep contemplation. Nutan Swamiji and Ma were also seated in their places as usual, in deep silence.

But I knew Poojya Swamiji was waiting for us to settle down for the Prabhāta raśmiḥ talk this morning. The devotees soon began occupying vantage seats. I noticed that among the new arrivals were Pankaj Bhatia and his wife Anu from the USA, Chennakesavan and his wife Savitri from Chennai, and a couple of unfamiliar faces from the neighbourhood of Thrissur.

It was about 7.20 am and we all sat eagerly waiting to hear the much awaited words of inspiration and encouragement that would help us see through our day successfully and well.

Being hard of hearing, I who would normally shy away from everybody, decided to sit right before the Guru, simply because I wanted to listen to the sound and intonation of his words, fully reconciled to the fact that I would not be able to decipher Swamiji’s words as he spoke.

Swamiji began speaking softly, gently, in an almost hushed voice….his eyes closed: “Harih Om Tat Sat! Harih Om Tat Sat…….”
I could get no further than those familiar invocatory words. I tried to perk up my ears and to catch the words, to no avail. All I could hear next was the continuous soothing muffled sound from the loudspeaker!

My mind began drifting .. .. my thoughts were centered on the sound .. ..I felt very peaceful and .. .. lulled by the sweet sound into a sort of calm .. .. but I began thinking .. .. from where was my feeling of happiness coming .. .. why am I happy .. .. how is this state of happiness produced .. .. who is becoming happy .. .. where am I hearing the sound .. .. surely not the ears .. .. how am I hearing it .. .. who is hearing it? .. .. who is this “I” .. ..

I was asking myself so many questions, which had no ready answers.

Swamiji has told us many times over: “It is the mind that creates all sensations and it is the same Mind that feels happy or unhappy. It is the Intellect that guides the Mind. So identify that source within.”

But the mind is Sentience. Sentience is supra-material and supra-energial, say the śāstrās. Then, how can sentience feel happy or otherwise? How does sentience feel itself, know itself? What is then meant by ‘knowing the Self’ .. .. so on and so forth welled up the questions endlessly. Again and again my mind went through the same arguments and counter arguments; the buddhi reasoned and rationalized! I felt I was getting nowhere.

But Time flew like a lark! I did not realize I was semi-dreaming!

Just then I heard the familiar words again: “Harih Om Tat Sat! Jai Guru! Jai Guru!”, signifying that the Prabhāta raśmiḥ session was over.

I opened my eyes. To my consternation Swamiji was looking at me directly, with a charming smile playing on his lips! “Did you hear what I spoke?” he asked!

“Not a word, Swamiji!” I admitted frankly, rather uncomfortably, feeling a little awkward at my own words. With Swamiji one has absolutely no hesitation in being frank and candid. He inspires such great confidence and trust!

Swamiji was unperturbed! He beckoned me to his side. I went and sat very close to his chair leaning a little forward to catch his words. Knowing my predicament, the most affectionate and kind Guru, placed his arm gently over my shoulders and in a caressing tone, speaking almost into my ears, he said:

“I was telling them (the audience) that it is a wonder why we miss the source of everything we see, hear, touch and feel! How is it that we grasp only the external world, knowing fully well that the source of everything is right within each of us! Should you not be concerned more about that Source, by dint of which the entire Universe is, than be bothered by anything else which is at best an outcome of that source? Just think about it!”

“Yes,” I replied, the source is so obviously present everywhere, yet I miss it.

Then it occurred to me once again: The Guru teaches by word, touch, sight and thought, say the śāstrās. And where else than in Gurusannidhi is this proved more explicitly?

Jai Guru!

Prabhakaran M

(Vicharasethu–April 2015)

“Should you not be concerned more about that Source, by dint of which the entire Universe is, than be bothered by anything else which is at best an outcome of that source?”

“My mind began drifting .. .. my thoughts were centered on the sound .. ..I felt very peaceful and .. .. lulled by the sweet sound into a sort of calm .. ..”

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