
30 | On Bhagavad Gita | Loka-sangraha – Ensuring well-being of the world

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


Ordinary ignorant people do their work very vibrantly, but with delusional clinging to the results of what they do. The Knowers should also likewise do all activities with full concern and attention, but without any delusional clinging at all. Instead of clinging, what they should zealously foster is the concern called lokasangraha.

Dear and blessed souls:

Harih Om Tat Sat.

Though nothing to gain, yet Krishna relentlessly active

Having declared that Yajña is the means to attain the Supreme, Krishna continues: “I want to tell you about myself in this matter (3.22, 23, 24). I have nothing in the three worlds to do as duty or obligation. Also, there is nothing unattained by me, to gain which I have to strive. Even then, I do not relent, relax or become indifferent to activity. Why? If I do not remain active, others around will shun their activities, following what they see in me.

“I must recognize this fact and be sensitive. If I happen to be idle, then confusion and degeneration will befall the society. That may even lead to a major societal downfall. Is it ever desirable, Arjuna? Any human has intrinsic, societal obligation to help and lead the society guardedly, avoiding all kinds of abuse, misuse or disorder.”

Individuals in society constitute the whole

“None lives all by himself. One’s life is inextricably linked to others around. All together form the society. So, societal insight and obligation must be an indispensable part of an individual’s thoughts, words and deeds.”

“This individual-societal link is the genesis of society’s strength, cohesion and welfare any time. So, Arjuna, you cannot neglect or be indifferent to society’s needs and welfare. Be active, vibrantly so, and ensure societal welfare every time.”

Concern for world-welfare inevitable for all

Krishna again exhorts the need to pursue the life of activity, for, it is necessary to ensure well-being of the world (loka-saṅgraha), particularly of human society (3.25). Loka-saṅgraha is a very important concept in spirituality. It describes the benevolent life Self-knower leads, whereby the society will always be led by the eternal values of human life.

Adhering to values – an indispensable discipline

The society will always remain admixed. Most people will not have the habit of thinking and evaluating life and its real concerns. They will be led by what others do, as is the case with fashions in dress, furniture and allied needs and facilities. Unless the Knowers take interest in the matter, society will not have any worthy leadership or demonstration at all in incorporating values in their lives as an indispensable discipline.

So, Krishna exhorts Arjuna that he (Arjuna) should certainly think of loka-saṅgraha and pursue an active life, thereby setting example for others. In so doing, he need not have any fear or concern as to whether his spiritual objective will be adversely affected at all.

Knowers too, like the ignorant, must act, but for world-welfare

See what Krishna says: “Ordinary ignorant people do their work very vibrantly, but with delusional clinging to the results of what they do. The Knowers should also likewise do all activities with full concern and attention, but without any delusional clinging at all. Instead of clinging, what they should zealously foster is the concern called loka-saṅgraha.

Loka-saṅgraha means restraining people from their wrong and deluded propensities, and bringing them to the righteous path of goodness, nobility and benevolence, wherein viveka, discrimination, and values will be the guiding spirit and watchword. The body, mind and intelligence are the same in the Knower and the deluded people. But the way they are applied makes all the difference.

Krishna’s dialogue not restricted to war-field at all

Krishna does not stop here. He is very assertive and confirmative in dealing with the subject of activity and the need to preserve and pursue it with commitment and dedication. The dialogue does not restrict itself to the battlefield or to one Arjuna, who got deluded and confronted seeing adorable elders, together with his own relations arrayed on both sides ready to fight. The principles, values, discipline and philosophy Krishna presents and propounds cover the entire subject of human life, and how life should be led in a creative and benevolent manner.

When people look up to you, set the right model for them

Seeker as well as the Knower has to be always concerned about those living around, who will always be observing and learning from both. Most of the learning for the humans any time is by observing others. The influence generated by others around always far exceeds the knowledge one gains by dint of one’s own search, reflection and evaluation.

So, Krishna has his own view about the model Knower, whom people generally look up to with esteem and expectation (3.26).

“Arjuna”, says Krishna, “the society in general is given to activity and its wholesome pursuit. People neither have time nor taste to explore anything to unearth their deeper dimension and worth. They do not think about anything in depth. At best they revel in activities and the outcome they fetch. Addicted to karma, activity, they cannot think and appreciate anything as the ascetics do by their withdrawal from active life and remaining engrossed in exclusive contemplation and the resultant discoveries and enlightenment. Such people addicted to ceaseless activity should not be dislodged from their ways. To dislodge them from activity-clinging will be disastrous. Their minds should not be led to go astray.

Enlightened have to exemplify active life for others

So, the enlightened person should himself be seen to be committedly active and be advising and inspiring everyone else to remain in the path of useful, vibrant activity. Nothing in the world, as stated earlier, is meant to be restful or idle.

Even from the enlightened people, what the world every time expects is active life meant for ensuring the prosperity and welfare of all. Remember, the change is in the attitude and objective alone. Involvement in activity remains the same both for the Knowers and the common deluded folk.

Presence of Knowers bestows benevolence

How well Krishna welds the Knower’s life with his exemplary benevolence, so that those like him will ever be a vibrant part of the world and worldly life, calls for special attention from the reader and thinker alike. At no time will the world be safe and wholesome if it aims only at material prosperity and physical health for its healthy sustenance. Welfare and cohesion are two singular factors which will make societal life healthy, strong, creative and progressive. Welfare any time indisputably depends upon the devoutness with which the society heeds and abides by what is good, noble and great for all.

And this can be ensured only when at least the majority of mankind is persuaded to honour values and standards based upon this objective. Thus, ethics unnegatably become an integral part of individual, familial and societal life. To voice this motto and persuade people to be guided by it thus becomes an indispensable need every time.

Life and activities of the Knowers are ever a great source of enlightenment and persuasion for the society. There is an implied compulsion in how they live and move and what they speak. No society will be safe if it is denied the benefits of Knowers and their graceful exposure and exhortations.


“I have nothing in the three worlds to do as duty or obligation. Also, there is nothing unattained by me, to gain which I have to strive. Even then, I do not relent, relax or become indifferent to activity. Why? If I do not remain active, others around will shun their activities, following what they see in me. ”

“None lives all by himself. One’s life is inextricably linked to others around. All together form the society. So, societal insight and obligation must be an indispensable part of an individual’s thoughts, words and deeds.”

“At no time will the world be safe and wholesome if it aims only at material prosperity and physical health for its healthy sustenance. Welfare and cohesion are two singular factors which will make societal life healthy, strong, creative and progressive. Welfare any time indisputably depends upon the devoutness with which the society heeds and abides by what is good, noble and great for all.”

“Life and activities of the Knowers are ever a great source of enlightenment and persuasion for the society. There is an implied compulsion in how they live and move and what they speak. No society will be safe if it is denied the benefits of Knowers and their graceful exposure and exhortations. ”
